Truck going to the market |
2. The truck carrying people to the market looks like the photo instead of the Seattle city bus.
3. Large 4WDs are not only popular, but absolutely necessary.
4. You spent most of your time the last two weeks on unpaved dirt roads that are TERRIBLE.
5. There are grass huts throughout the neighborhoods as opposed to Craftsman Bungalows.
6. You have suddenly gone vegetarian the past two weeks because you don't like the taste of boiled meat.
7. The bigger the vehicle the more right-a-way you have on the road. Bicycles...look out!
Current banana surplus |
8. You are expected to eat at least 4 or 5 mini-bananas a day and if you do or don't, people will keep buying them for you and you will have a banana surplus.
9. Big IS beautiful for women. If you are thin, something is wrong with you or you must be sick.
10. There large beautiful mango trees everywhere.
Mango Tree |