Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Khmer Food Adventures

So....eating in Cambodia has been a bit rough for Anna and I.  Pretty much everyday presents a new challenge and we have come to admit the novelty of Khmer food is fading fast.  Especially as we enter week 3 of field work.  The good news is weight loss is likely kicking in at this point.

I do recognize a familiar pattern with myself while traveling that goes like this:
  • Week 1:  Hey, this isn't so bad.
  • Week 2:  Hmmm....I wonder what I am going to eat today.  I hope I like it.
  • Week 3:  Damn, I really miss Mexican food (we are currently at this phase)
This is not always the patten, like say in Thailand or Vietnam, but lets just say I am feeling especially food challenged on this trip.

Said restaurant in question
 The first day of field testing (between week 1 and week 2) we were out in Kampong Speu with the study team and Anna and I had  a record bizarre foods challenge.  The study team suggested we go to a "resort" in the area for lunch that was by a nice pagoda with monkeys and a river.  Prior to lunch Anna and I decided we would be more adventurous with our food choices.

Initially, things were going well including ordering a fried chicken that arrived with its head and feet (above).  At this point, Anna and I were still hanging strong.  Sonita insisted on ordering a soup despite my numerous attempts to avert the situation (our previous two soup encounters had been sketchy).  Ultimately a soup arrived.  Below is a play by play:

IRL study managers insists that we try the soup
Anna:  (Acting interested) What kind of meat is in the soup?
IRL:  It is like a cow that you find in the wild but smaller and not a cow
Anna:  Oh.  Ok I haven’t heard of that animal
Liz begrudgingly takes a small ladle of soup on her rice
Liz:  But Sonita, there are bug in it (not just bugs but large insets that resemble trader jackets)
Anna hears “But Sonita, there are bones in it” and thinks to herself, come on Liz we are trying to be more adventurous
Sonita:  Yes, it is ok to eat it
Liz pushes the insects to the side and takes a bite of the broth + rice and almost voms
Liz looks over to Anna who is getting a large ladle of soup and wondering what the f%^k is she doing.
 Liz continues to watch Anna in horror taking large bites of the soup. 
Half way through Anna experience she looks over to Liz realizing there are large insects in her soup and wondering why Liz didn’t warn her.

Pork grizzle
In addition to the bug soup there was also this lovely pork dish that we were forced to try that was not half-bad aside from the large chunks of grizzle.

Did I mention that I am happy to be getting home right in time for Cinco de Mayo?!